Shelf life of messages on server

On all shared hosting , your messages are stored for 90 days .
After this period, they are automatically deleted.

Generally , when using conventional management tools (Outlook , Windows Live Mail or otherwise), your messages are not stored on the Space 2001 servers.
They are deleted when the tool was recovered.

Therefore are generally on the server only emails that are not read, usually spam.

If you use eg a laptop to read your emails out of your office , you can ask him not to remove them , they will be picked up from your office and delete from the server when you return there.

Using the IMAP protocol allows to add the mail attribute indicating that the mail has been read or not.
Customers , in this case , leave often their mails on the server.
This is a bad practice because we do not guarantee the preservation of these data.
It is up to the customer to ensure the safeguarding of its data, especially if they are important.

For customers who still want to have a fully outsourced messaging solution , we advise them to choose our offer VPS servers.
You will then have all the messaging features available on our shared hostings without any limitation.

Do not hesitate to contact our support team who can arrange this transfer, in a fully transparent way and without any interruption in the operation of your email .

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